What's Sleep Apnea?
If your attempts to improve your sleep have not alleviated persistent snoring or persistent fatigue upon waking, you may be at risk of a prevalent sleep disorder—sleep apnea.
So, what exactly is sleep apnea? The term "apnea" literally translates to "no breath" or "stopping breathing." In this condition, when your brain senses a cessation of breathing, a control center prompts a partial awakening, just enough for you to gasp and resume normal breathing. This repetitive cycle can occur over 50 times per hour, even without your conscious awareness.
During an apnea episode, air halts its flow to your lungs for 10 seconds or longer, causing an actual cessation of breathing. This deprivation of oxygen and the frequent jolting back into breathing, occurring throughout the night, places considerable strain on your body.
It's worth noting that sleep apnea is more prevalent than commonly perceived, affecting over 3 in 10 men and nearly 1 in 5 women, as indicated by statistics.* Sleep-disordered breathing, encompassing issues like snoring, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), insomnia, and narcolepsy, is a widespread concern.
For a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment of various sleep disorders, including the use of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) and BIPAP (Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure) machines, Sleep Study is your reliable resource. These devices not only offer effective treatment but also provide real-time analysis for a range of sleep-related conditions. for more information please contcat www.cpap.qa